Monday, May 5, 2008

Beans, beans the musical fruit...

Well, I burned a pot of beans today and now my house smells like an old, musty, smoking room at a motel 6--unfortunately I know what that smells like. I seriously thought I had a fire burning when I opened the front door--it smelled that bad. I am learning the hard way that things don't take as long to cook in Georgia as they do in Utah and that liquid evaporates faster. Running with my new found knowledge, I quickly started a new pot of beans and they were done in time for dinner. Too bad for everyone else... I was the only one who ate them :)


Rachel said...

I know. Georgia is weird!

eMiLy sLaUgH said...

If I was there I would have eaten them! :)

also known as shell said...

make another batch for BUNKO!